Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ain't Nobody Mad but the Devil!

I just needed to take it back to church for a minute but this is not about about some deep spiritual revelation. It is just a time to reminese on the church of old that I miss so much.

You know the one:

  • The urshers (that would the ushers) kept that one hand behind their back and did the little turn.
  • How you had to raise the one finger to walk during service.
  • The way that the male chorus sounded on that greatly rare fifth Sunday.
  • The mother's of the church called everybody baby and kissed you leaving that lipstick print.
  • The way that the announcement lady first gave honor to God, pastor, mothers, and friends.
  • When choirs really marched in wearing those shiny robes.
  • How the stewardess said that they would rather have money in the plate that didn't jingle.
  • The hymnals on the back of the pew that were missing the page that you needed.
  • Singing the Lord's Prayer every Sunday and if you were in the Methodist church, CME, AME, or AME Zion you had to say the Apostle's creed and sing the Gloria Patri.
  • Don't you remember the tamborine and the high B flat that you hoped that sister would reach in the middle of the song?
  • How the song would be over but the musicians were really getting started. The sway of the choir and when they did hand movements to the song.
  • The hats, oh Lord, the hats! I couldn't wait until I grew up for that. I'm not quite that grown yet.
  • Whatever that cadence was that your pastor used for every sermon. My pastors was, "Isn't that right?" and his other one was "Ain't nobody mad but the devil."
  • The way that the organist punctuated the preacher's word at the end of the sermon.
  • Remember when the ushers did the row by row count in the middle of service or hung up the Sunday school attendance banner.
  • The responsive reading and call and response.
  • And the end of service when we said, "My the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from another, Amen." or "Go in peace and sin no more".
  • The doors of the church are now open.
Well those are some of my found memories and here is a video just because it makes me laugh. If you are really sensitive you may not want to hit play. If you grew up in the black church you are sure to understand.


Queen Diva said...


I have one word to describe this, “hilarious.”


Bennett said...

Valerie, thank you I needed this laugh this AM.....Yes this took me back to my old church, and the church announcements!!!! FUNNY

Anonymous said...

That's funny!


Original Court Date: April 18, 2009
Final Court Date: May 18, 2009
[607 total days & 165 days w/IAN]