Monday, March 23, 2009

New Clock and Countdown

If you haven't noticed I added a new clock to the top of my website.

We are counting the days!


Anonymous said...

Of course, I noticed it! So excited for you!


4evamom said...

Wonderful news! I have been following your process through your blog and we have corresponded in the past. I am very happy for you.

veggiemom said...

Yay!!! Fingers crossed all goes well on the first try!!!

hazel said...

I hope the days rush by!

Gracie's Mom said...

Awesome Valerie, the time will whizz by!

kn said...


I had not noticed! I need to be hit over the head with things staring me in the face sometimes.

So very happy that it is so close. I hope these first weeks of Spring fly by!!!!!!

Queen Diva said...

Good News!

I pray all goes well on your court date.


Original Court Date: April 18, 2009
Final Court Date: May 18, 2009
[607 total days & 165 days w/IAN]