Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Baby Sister Robbin and the Peeps

All of us have to remember when you are given a vision and a dream it is yours and yours alone and no matter how rocky the road gets, how crooked the turns turn, how high you have to climb, or how many times you have to stumble before you make it you have been more than equipped for the dream that He handed specifically to you. Until He takes that desire from your heart or closes every door it is only His saying, "well done" that matters.

When they start getting on that last nerve, put on your best Etta James impression and just tell them it ain't their business. You should be smiling because Tami is Chaka Kahn.


Robbin Hopkins said...

LOL!!!! See I started off wanting to be Chaka (cause she is so darn cool) but when Etta said: if my man ain't got no money!!!! I knew that was me. Cause if his butt is broke you two heffa's gonna kick him to the curve!!!!

Thanks Sisters!! Little Lulako Tami Valarie will be pleased that ya'll interceded on her behalf!

VALARIE said...

As long as I get to be Gladys because I wanted to be her since I was 8 years old, plus you know Tami has that red hair. LOL!

Jebena said...

Sing it Tami, I mean Chaka!!! tehehehe---I'm feeling much better about my latest situation after reading this today.

***Had to make a decision to keep pursuing my MA/Ed.d in the fall, or take a leave...was caught up in what some folks was going to say...GOT IT! ;)***

VALARIE said...

From a sista that got an MS Ed. in two years going to school full time while working full time and having to drive 35 miles to class each way to do it, I say press your way and make it happen. It's hard to believe that it was 15 years ago. Man, I must be getting old. Thank you God!

kn said...

can't see the video because i'm always on the train when i come onto the blog and the connection is too slow

but for this one i have to remember to come back to it tonight

anyway i love all these comments and wish everyone was in one room with drinks being served and laughter all around

i've always wanted to be Chaka and have spent many a day where i was supposed to be cleaning my place ''oh - i'll just put on a little music to help it go ...' and two hours later i'm still singing and dancing and the house is still a mess no matter i always feel better

i'll come back later tonight and give a listen

thanks for always posting these great videos!

Tami said...

LOL!!!!! Love that! Of course I'm Chaka...have you seen my hair latey. Plus, my mouth can sometimes be a little "ugly" teehee.

Robbin, you know we have your back!

BTW...that video reminded me again that what I do is no bodies business but my own so thanks Valarie for the song!

Original Court Date: April 18, 2009
Final Court Date: May 18, 2009
[607 total days & 165 days w/IAN]