Monday, September 22, 2008

Week #7

Could it be I'm more than half-way there? Looks like I turn seven this week and this will go down in history as my all-time favorite childhood picture. I had just danced the Nutcracker Suite with my friend Julie standing next to me. Look at the picture closely you will see that I danced my socks off, my bow off, and my hat and sparkler off! That's me. The blue hair balls and lopsided ponytails are all my mother's doings.

Shirley Temple curls, what more is there to say about that? I'm looking a little knock-kneed too...later we found out my knee caps are tilted the wrong way.


kn said...

That is wonderful! I want your children home right now but please please please keep posting these growing up photos they really are precious. The danced your socks off is hysterical!

Robbin Hopkins said...

man you are just to cute. you are making me look REALLY bad!!!!! I love the nuttcracker picture. The picture thing is VERY fun. Really, I don't need therapy behind it. I'm FINNNNNE. Really. LOL.


hazel said...

HA HA!! Check out that big toe!!! The smile of accomplishment and joy on your face is priceless.

Original Court Date: April 18, 2009
Final Court Date: May 18, 2009
[607 total days & 165 days w/IAN]